Nantucket Town Seal

2016 Annual Town Meeting Warrant Recommendations

2016 Annual Town Meeting

Saturday April 2 at 9am
Nantucket High School Auditorium


Nantucket’s community depends on the
vitality of its sustainable natural resources.

The Nantucket Land & Water Council has reviewed the Warrant for the April 2nd Town Meeting and offers the following comments on articles which could affect the island’s unique and valuable natural resources, such as drinking water, open space and quality of life.

Article 18 & 19 YES
Sewer Project Appropriation and District Map Change

These articles expand the sewer district and appropriate funds for including individual lots into the sewer system that are within the Nantucket Harbor and Hummock Pond watersheds. Although we take no position on the funding ratio we do agree that these properties should be placed on sewer in order to protect the water quality of the harbor and pond. Sewering these areas is a critical step in reversing the downward trend of Eelgrass loss and water quality.

Article 34, 35, 36 CONSIDER
Zoning Map Changes and Use Amendment for CMI District

These articles propose that a number of properties be included in the Commercial Mid Island District. The articles will allow apartment buildings within the district and will allow the height of buildings be changed from 30 feet to 40 feet. Although the Land Council has no position on this article, we felt it necessary to highlight in case there is concern from the community about the height and density changes.

Article 43 YES
Zoning Map Changes Crooked Lane, Grove Lane and Madaket Road

This article will increase minimum lot sizes from 20,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet which are extensively covered with wetlands.

Article 45 & 46 YES
Zoning Map Changes to Town Open Space

These articles will alter the zoning for several open space properties to the least intense designation.

Article 48, 49, 50 NO
Zoning Map Changes LUG 2 to LUG 1 and R-40

These articles change lot sizes from a minimum of 80,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet. The articles increase subdivision potential and do not contribute to affordable housing. These proposals were previously denied at last year’s Town Meeting.

Article 55 YES
Secondary Lot Language Change

This article will expand the ability to create secondary lots for “qualified family members”. This change is to address concerns from the community that their family members can not qualify for a secondary lot because of income restrictions.

Article 69 YES
Coastal Erosion Structures on Town Owned Land

This article would require a Town Meeting vote for all coastal erosion structures being proposed for Town owned land and give the community a more direct say in the governance of their land.

Article 80 YES

Real Estate Conveyance from Town to Land Bank and Madaket Land Trust This article conveys several properties that should be owned by conservation organizations.

Article 81  CONSIDER
Real Estate Conveyance from Land Bank to Town

This article reaffirms a home rule petition previously approved by Town Meeting. We will continue to support the Land Bank and advocate for an equitable land swap in accordance with State Open Space disposition guidelines.

Article 82 YES
Affordable Community Housing Bank

This article will create a funding source for affordable housing similar to the Land Bank fee structure.

Article 84 YES
Land Bank Amendment

This article will exempt affordable housing from the Land Bank transfer fee and is an appropriate step for promoting affordable housing. The affect on open space funding will be negligible.

Article 86 YES
Town Charter Amendment to Create Term Limits

This article would change the Code of Nantucket by imposing Term Limits (no more than three consecutive terms) on elected and appointed boards. The Land Council actively participates in regulatory review hearings and foresees a tremendous benefit with Term Limits. Good governance begins with a balanced perspective representative of the community as a whole. New and diverse participation increases the energy, ideas, and humility that is necessary for a regulatory board to function at its best.

Article 88 YES
Acquisition and Conveyance to Nantucket Land Bank

This article conveys several unbuildable properties at the end of Low Beach Road to the Nantucket Land Bank.

Article 90 YES
Lease of Town Land for Renewable Energy Projects

This article will promote the use of the Surfside wastewater treatment plant property for renewable energy projects of which solar is supported by the Land Council.

Article 93 NO
Lease of Town Owned Property

We question the open ended language of the article that allows for a lease of any use when the primary purpose is to create housing opportunities for municipal employees. Additionally, there are no maps referenced in the Fin Com recommendation to reflect the “portion” of property that is being proposed for a lease.